Your Thoughts Are Not Yours

Have you ever stopped to ponder the origin of your thoughts? In a world teeming with information and constant connectivity, it’s easy to assume that the ideas swirling in our minds are uniquely our own. However, delving into the depths of psychology, neuroscience, and philosophy reveals a fascinating truth: your thoughts are not yours alone. The journey of ideas is a complex interplay of influences, experiences, and the vast web of human interconnectedness.

The Collective Mind
Contrary to the notion of an isolated, individual mind, research suggests that our thoughts are deeply intertwined with the collective consciousness. From the moment we are born, we absorb information from our surroundings—family, friends, culture, and society at large. This constant exchange of ideas shapes our perspectives, beliefs, and even the way we form thoughts. In essence, our minds are part of a larger tapestry, weaving together the collective wisdom of humanity.

Cultural Influences
Culture plays a pivotal role in shaping our thoughts. The language we speak, the traditions we follow, and the societal norms we adhere to all contribute to the formation of our mental landscape. Consider how cultural narratives, passed down through generations, mold our worldview. Our thoughts often echo the echoes of our cultural heritage, creating a rich tapestry of shared ideas that transcend individual boundaries.

The Power of Media
In the digital age, where information flows incessantly, the media becomes a potent force in shaping our thoughts. From news stories to social media trends, the content we consume has a profound impact on our perceptions. The constant barrage of images, opinions, and narratives can subtly influence our thought processes, sometimes without us even realizing it. In this age of information, discerning between personal thoughts and external influences becomes a challenging endeavor.

Social Interactions
Human beings are inherently social creatures, and our thoughts are inevitably shaped by the interactions we have with others. Whether through conversations, debates, or shared experiences, the exchange of ideas is a dynamic process. Our thoughts, in turn, evolve through this social discourse, becoming a product of the collective dialogue that defines our relationships and connections.

Neurological Underpinnings
On a biological level, the intricate workings of the brain further underscore the idea that our thoughts are not ours alone. Neurotransmitters, neural pathways, and the complex interplay of brain regions contribute to the formation and retrieval of thoughts. The physiological processes that govern cognition are not confined to the individual; they are shared among the entire human species.

In acknowledging that our thoughts are not solely ours, we gain a deeper understanding of the interconnected nature of the human experience. The journey of ideas is a collaborative venture, shaped by culture, society, media, and the neurological intricacies of our brains. Embracing this collective aspect of thought can lead to a more profound appreciation for the diversity of perspectives that enrich our shared mental landscape. So, the next time you contemplate your thoughts, remember that they are not just yours—they are a reflection of the collective tapestry of humanity.

Elevating Customer Experience: The Pivotal Role of Digital Identity”

In the dynamic landscape of the digital era, the concept of customer experience has evolved beyond traditional boundaries. As businesses navigate through the intricacies of a rapidly changing market, one crucial element has emerged as the linchpin for success – Digital Identity.

Gone are the days when customer experience was solely confined to the quality of products or services. Today, the digital identity of a brand has taken center stage, serving as the key determinant in shaping unparalleled customer experiences. This paradigm shift is not merely a trend but a fundamental transformation that demands attention and strategic adaptation.

The Digital Identity Advantage

Digital identity encompasses the amalgamation of a user’s online presence, behavior, preferences, and interactions across various digital touchpoints. It serves as a unique fingerprint, enabling brands to create personalized and seamless experiences for their customers. In essence, it goes beyond the traditional demographic data to offer a more nuanced understanding of individual needs and expectations.

Personalization as the Cornerstone

Customers no longer desire generic interactions; they crave personalized, tailor-made experiences that resonate with their preferences. A robust digital identity framework empowers brands to deliver just that. By leveraging data analytics and artificial intelligence, businesses can gain insights into customer behavior, allowing them to anticipate needs and proactively address concerns. This personalized approach not only fosters customer loyalty but also sets the stage for sustained growth.

Building Trust Through Transparency

In an age where data privacy concerns are at the forefront of consumer consciousness, establishing trust is paramount. A transparent and ethical approach to managing digital identity builds a foundation of trust between brands and customers. By clearly communicating how customer data is collected, stored, and utilized, businesses can instill confidence, paving the way for enduring customer relationships.

Seamlessness Across Channels

The modern customer journey is multifaceted, spanning various digital channels such as websites, mobile apps, social media, and more. A unified digital identity strategy ensures a seamless and consistent experience across these touchpoints. This not only streamlines customer interactions but also reinforces brand identity, creating a cohesive and memorable customer journey.

Future-Proofing Your Business

As we move towards an increasingly digital future, the role of digital identity will continue to grow in significance. Those who embrace this shift early on will be better positioned to navigate the evolving landscape and stay ahead of the competition. Investing in robust digital identity infrastructure is not just about meeting current customer expectations but future-proofing your business for the demands of tomorrow.

In the era of digital transformation, where customer experience is a key differentiator, the centrality of digital identity cannot be overstated. It is the thread that weaves together the fabric of personalized experiences, fosters trust, and propels businesses into a future where customer-centricity is not just a strategy but a way of life. As brands embark on the journey of enhancing customer experiences, the wise integration and management of digital identity will undoubtedly be their compass guiding them towards success in the digital age.

Assumptions Blind, Hypotheses Guide – Transform your decision-making

During World War II, the US military faced a critical decision regarding aircraft armor. They assumed that analyzing bullet hole distribution on returning planes would reveal where to place armor for improved survival rates. However, this assumption proved incorrect, as it ignored a crucial factor: missing bullet holes on the engines of examined planes were from aircraft that didn’t return, signifying their destruction. Abraham Wald, a statistician, challenged this assumption by forming a hypothesis that the absence of bullet holes on engines was significant. His hypothesis indicated that armor should be placed where bullet holes were absent – specifically, on the engines. This shift from assumption to hypothesis-based thinking led to a decision that significantly improved aircraft survival rates.


Exploring the Concept: Assumptions and Hypotheses

Understanding the Concept:

  • Assumptions: Assumptions are unfounded beliefs held without concrete evidence, often rooted in personal biases or limited information.
  • Hypotheses: Hypotheses are educated guesses or tentative explanations that can be tested through observation and experimentation. They provide a structured framework for investigation.

Why It’s Relevant:

  • Minimizes Risk: Distinguishing between assumptions and hypotheses reduces the risk of making decisions based on flawed beliefs.
  • Promotes Critical Thinking: Encourages questioning of assumptions, fostering critical thinking and evidence-seeking.
  • Drives Innovation: In business and product development, hypotheses fuel innovation by guiding experimentation and adaptation based on real-world feedback.


Applying the Concept:

In various aspects of life, from business to personal growth, applying the “Assumptions Blind, Hypotheses Guide” concept can lead to more informed and effective decision-making. This section explores how this concept can be applied:

In Business and Decision-Making:

In the realm of business and decision-making, it’s essential to challenge assumptions and formulate hypotheses to guide strategic choices. Here’s how you can apply the concept:

  • Challenging Assumptions: Begin by questioning assumptions about customer preferences, market trends, or competition. For instance, don’t assume that your target market prefers a specific product feature; instead, ask if it’s backed by evidence.
  • Formulating Hypotheses: Next, develop hypotheses about various aspects of your business strategy. These hypotheses could relate to market opportunities, product features, or marketing strategies. For instance, hypothesize that a particular marketing channel will yield better results than another.
  • Testing Hypotheses: To put your hypotheses to the test, consider using surveys, market research, A/B testing, or pilot programs. Collect data and feedback to determine whether your hypotheses hold true.
  • Using Data-Driven Insights: Make decisions based on data-driven insights. If your hypothesis about a specific marketing channel performing better is supported by concrete evidence, allocate resources accordingly. Conversely, if the data suggests otherwise, be open to adapting your strategy.

Example: Imagine you run an e-commerce business and assume that customers prefer a certain layout for your website. However, you formulate a hypothesis that a more user-friendly design could lead to higher conversion rates. You conduct A/B testing, and the data reveals that the redesigned layout indeed increases sales. By relying on the hypothesis instead of the initial assumption, you make an informed decision that positively impacts your business.

In Product Development

In the realm of product development, applying the concept involves shifting from assumption-based design to hypothesis-driven innovation:

  • Avoiding Assumptions About User Preferences: Instead of assuming what users want, create hypotheses about their needs and preferences. For example, don’t assume that users want more features in your software; hypothesize that simplicity and ease of use are critical for user engagement.
  • Developing Prototypes and MVPs: To test your hypotheses, develop prototypes or minimum viable products (MVPs). These prototypes allow you to put your ideas into the hands of real users and gather feedback.
  • Gathering User Feedback: Interact with users and gather feedback about your product. This feedback becomes invaluable in refining your product based on real-world user experiences.
  • Continuous Improvement: Continuously refine and improve your product based on the insights gained from user feedback. By doing so, you align your product with user expectations and needs.

Example: Consider a scenario where you’re developing a new smartphone app. Instead of assuming user preferences for the user interface, you formulate a hypothesis that a simpler and more intuitive design would lead to better user engagement. You create a prototype with this design and gather user feedback. The feedback confirms your hypothesis, allowing you to make an informed decision to finalize the app’s design.

In Personal Growth and Decision-Making:

In personal life and decision-making, the concept can guide choices related to career, education, and personal development:

  • Avoiding Assumptions About Happiness and Success: When making significant life choices, such as changing careers or pursuing higher education, don’t rely solely on assumptions about what will make you happy or successful.
  • Formulating Hypotheses About Goals: Formulate hypotheses about your goals, interests, and potential paths. For instance, if you’re considering a career change, hypothesize that a certain field aligns better with your passions and strengths.
  • Testing Hypotheses Through Research and Experiences: Test these hypotheses through research, trial experiences, or consultations with experts. Seek out opportunities that allow you to gain firsthand insights.
  • Using Insights for Informed Decisions: Use the insights gained from testing your hypotheses to make informed decisions that align with your values and aspirations. This approach ensures that your life choices are based on evidence rather than unfounded assumptions.

Example: Suppose you’re contemplating a career change, assuming that a higher-paying job will lead to greater satisfaction. However, you formulate a hypothesis that pursuing a career aligned with your true passion will result in long-term happiness. You explore opportunities in that field, conduct informational interviews, and gain hands-on experience. The insights gained from this process guide your decision to pursue a career that aligns with your passion and values, rather than relying on the initial assumption about income.

Benefits of Embracing the Concept:

By embracing the “Assumptions Blind, Hypotheses Guide” concept in your personal and professional life, you can:

  • Make more informed decisions that are based on evidence and critical thinking.
  • Adapt and innovate in professional and personal contexts.
  • Minimize the risk of costly mistakes and misunderstandings.
  • Cultivate a mindset of curiosity, continuous learning, and adaptability.

The story of the US military’s aircraft armor decision vividly illustrates the pivotal importance of distinguishing between assumptions and hypotheses in various facets of life, exemplifying the concept of “Assumptions Blind, Hypotheses Guide.” This narrative underscores the profound impact that critically evaluating assumptions and formulating testable hypotheses can have on decision-making. Whether applied in scientific research, innovation, personal relationships, or risk management, this concept encourages us to engage in rigorous thinking, continuously challenge our beliefs, and base our choices on empirical evidence rather than unfounded presumptions. By adopting this mindset, individuals and organizations can navigate the intricacies of life, work, and innovation with greater clarity and rationality, resulting in better outcomes and a heightened comprehension of the world that surrounds us. “Assumptions Blind, Hypotheses Guide” serves as an empowering principle that enables us to approach decision-making and problem-solving with a refined perspective, leading to more effective solutions and a deeper insight into our complex reality.

#DecisionMaking #Leadership #Innovation #BusinessInsights


Ignoratio Elenchi


Irrelevant conclusion, also known as ignoratio elenchi or missing the point, is the informal fallacy of presenting an argument that may or may not be logically valid and sound, but fails to address the issue in question.

ignoratio elenchi

What not to do to if you want to improve your NPS (Net Promoter Score)

Well, the short answer is- do not piss off your customers.

For the long answer read the story.

I recently had a follow-up call with airtel customer care regarding network issue in my area. The initial complaint was logged a few months back after that their network engineer visited the site, took readings and agreed that there is poor network reception in this area. Since then there had been no communication from airtel side so I decided to call them up. As expected nothing positive came out of the call, but I would not like to go into those details for now. The interesting thing I would like to share here is the SMS which I received after the call.

The message was-


“Thank you for your recent call to Airtel Customer care. We would like to hear about your experience & have 3 quick questions. All these messages are free.”

“Q1/3: Based on your recent call, how likely are you to recommend Airtel to family & friends, from 10 (extremely likely) to 0 (not at all likely)?”

Dear Airtel, in case you missed it, the call was regarding a complaint which was filed with you a few months back and has not been resolved yet.

So how do you want me to respond to your NPS question?

Don’t you already know the expected score, well it is 0 (zero).


Marketers, just asking for customer feedback, that too when you know the response, would not help you improve your NPS. Get your teams together to resolve customer issues and that not only will lead to better NPS but a loyal customer base as well.


P. S.

For those who are new to NPS.

Net Promoter Score® (NPS) is a customer loyalty and satisfaction rating used by thousands of businesses across the world. Developed by Fred Reichheld, Bain & Company and Satmetrix, NPS was designed to help companies measure general customer satisfaction and predict their fortunes over 3 years.

NPS was created as a relational survey, designed to be sent to a business’ full database over 90 days. Now, it’s more widely used as a transactional survey, sent to customers after interactions and purchases.



Stephan Hawking

“Quiet people have the loudest minds.”

― Stephen Hawking

Stephen Hawking was born on the date of Galileo’s death, the 8th of January.
He died on the date of Albert Einstein’s birth, the 14th of March.